Welcome to Westside Chapel CCCU

 At Westside Chapel we are committed to building a fulfilling relationship with God and others through uplifting worship and practical opportunities to meet and serve others in the community.

Christian Worship is more than music. Christian worship is often thought of as the music portion of a church service - people singing songs to God, heads back, eyes closed, and hands raised in the air as they sing.

Christian worship happens when we sing to God, whether in church or alone - in our cars or in the shower. If our desire is to please the heart of God, it is worship, no matter where the location or how many are involved.


We believe that the Bible gives us the best direction in how to live our lives.

We welcome all people. We feel honored to worship with anyone who would come and seek God with us.

We are not perfect. But we know the One who is. We are about trying to become more like Jesus Christ. We want to love like Him. We want to serve like Him. We want to encourage like Him.

We seek His blessings and His presence in all of our services.

 Schedule of Services

Sunday School:.......9:30 AM

Worship: ............10:30 AM

Sunday Evening:......6:00 PM

Wed Bible Study......6:00 PM 


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Our Daily Bread www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml

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Westside Chapel


149 S. 32nd St
Newark Oh 43055

Church (740) 344-6022
Dave Smith (740) 281-3493

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